allow some time for the pictures (samples from 6 of the total of 15 Sonic and Mario desktop wallpapers
included in this site) to load...
cube is doubly interactive - try moving your mouse around over it AND clicking
on any of the images.
For a really good effect, move your mouse around just outside the edges of the cube but still within the applet window. |
View the "Sonic and Mario Interactive Cube" >>
View the "Mario vs. Sonic" Flash movie >>
View the "Super Mario Quickie Short" Flash movie >>
Play the "Sonic the Hedgehog: Ultimate Flash Sonic" game >>
Play the "Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic Snowboarding Demo" game >>
Play the "Sonic the Hedgehog: Shadow the Hedgehog Flash" game >>
Play the "Super Mario Bros.: Super Mario Flash" game >>
Play the "Super Mario Bros.: Super Mario Sunshine 64" game >>
Play the "Super Mario Bros.: New Super Mario Flash" game >>
View "Another Sonic and Mario Bonus Page" >>